Natural hoof care is typically perceived by people in one of three ways…(1) It makes sense; (2) it is cheaper than shoes; or (3) it is a last resort. As for me, it just made sense.
It all started when my horse, Brasco, and I got to a point in our training where nothing felt quite right. I became increasingly frustrated with him and he with me. I began to ask question after question of my equine professionals. Why is my horse becoming more difficult to ride? Why doesn’t he look like the athlete he should be. Why do my horse’s feet look like that and why are they looking more and more unlike each other? Is that normal? Why are my horse’s withers so high? Why does he have no strength in his tail? Why can he flex comfortably one way and not the other? Why is one shoulder more developed than the other? What happened to my horse’s fluid movement which is now short and choppy? Why can’t I find a saddle to fit? Is good enough, good enough? The responses I received seemed to make less and less sense and only led to more questions. I needed to find a better place both mentally and physically for my hose and I. So, I embarked upon a journey of educating myself for my horse. My horse and I have learned about proper barefoot hoof care, saddle fit, diet/nutrition and supplementation, exercise and lifestyle, biomechanically correct movement, bodywork (acupuncture, chiropractic medicine and massage) and dental care.
Thank you for your interest in natural hoof care. I look forward to hearing from you.

Jennifer Reinke
Founding Member, Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners
My Educational Path:
I will forever be a student of the horse. I don’t believe the learning will ever and should ever end.
- Attended a Mark Rashid Natural Horsemanship Clinic (2003)
- Attended a Balance Saddling System Clinic on Saddle Fit (2004)
- Attended Pete Ramey Outreach Clinics (2005, 2007)
- Studied with the AANHCP (2006-2007)
- Attended Intro to Natural Hoof Care and the Wild Horse Model Clinic with Jaime Jackson, AANHCP (2007)
- Attended a Natural Trim Workshop with Jaime Jackson, AANHCP (2007)
- Completed the AANHCP Horse Booting Clinic with Richard Drewry, AANHCP (2007)
- Completed the Lifeway and Natural Hoof Clinic with Bruce Nock, Ph.D., AANHCP (2007)
- Attended a Dr. Robert Bowker Clinic (2007)
- Attended an Equicast Clinic by Dave Richards (2008, 2010)
- Completed the NRC Plus (Equine Nutrient Requirements) Course by Dr. Eleanor Kellon (2008)
- Completed Stage 1 of Advanced Equine Biomechanics Theoretical and Practical Evaluation by Gavin Scofield, DO (2009)
- Attended an Understanding Radiographs Clinic by Cindy Nielsen, DVM (2009)
- Completed the Cushings and Insulin Resistant Course by Dr. Eleanor Kellon (2009)
- Attended Balance Saddling System Clinics on Equine and Rider Biomechanics (on-going)
- Riding instruction by Terry Wright of Equi-Poise (on-going)
- Mentoring with other Natural Hoof Care Professionals (on-going)
- Equine Sciences Academy (ESA) Student (current)
- Pacific Hoof Care Practitioner, Founding Member and Student
- Member of the Equine Cushings and Insulin Resistant Yahoo Group
- Member of the Barefoot Horse Care Yahoo Group
- Member of the Hoof Boot Yahoo Group
- Member of the Treeless Saddle Yahoo Group
- Member of the Whole Horse Health Yahoo Group
- Presented at an Equine Wellness Clinic, Ernie Howlett Park (2009)