Heart n‘ Sole Hoof Care supports nature and encourages each hoof to follow the model of the wild horse hoof which exemplifies strength and soundness. My method of natural hoof care is non-invasive and respects the uniqueness of each individual hoof. I offer a patient, respectful and knowledgeable approach to your horses natural hoof care.
Natural hoof care maintenance is meant to simulate the natural wear and the natural hoof form of a wild horse. Therefore, a 5-6 week trim schedule is recommended. This also avoids putting any unnatural stress on a horses internal structures which has already occurred if trims are not done until “the hooves look like they need a trim”. The ultimate goal is to maintain proper hoof form at each trim, not to re-start the process of supporting proper hoof form at each trim.
Currently serving Los Angeles, Orange and southern Ventura counties. |
$35 Mini*
$45 Horse*
$65 Draft*
*An additional $5 is charged per horse per each 15 mile increment beyond the first 15 miles traveled.
(Calculate your approximate cost by clicking on the link below.)
I also fit and sell the following hoof boots:
EasyCare, Inc.
Renegade Hoof Boots
I am also able to cast hooves using Equicast Hoof Wear - Protection System.
Click on company name to access websites.
Please note:
I am a trimmer, not a horse trainer. The quality of my work may be impacted by the quality of your horses training and behavior and I retain the right to decline working with any horse that compromises the safety of all concerned. |